Wednesday, October 7, 2015

I suppose I could do a little post about these guys.

Dachshund (Doopy's).


You can call this black and tan, Deems.

And this isabella tan dapple is Trigger.


Sometimes they try to yell at me.


Other times they are silly.


Sometimes they reach into their inner doop.


And some days they just need a banana.


These guys are best friends.

Who will always doop.

I decided to create a blog.

I do not know how to do mostly anything on it yet.
Don't worry, I'll figure it out.

I'm not sure what I'll write about or how often I will decide to write.
Just in case you were wondering, I'll figure that out too.

Anyways. Internet world. To those of you reading these words.
I will talk to some time soon.
Probably when I figure some things out.